I decided that I must start a blog, not just any old blog, a blog about the happenings at our vineyard.  There are so many things that go on any given weekend that it must be shared.  My poor husband and family have to listen to me ramble on and on about the characters that I work with as well as the beautiful love stories that unfold every weekend.  I decided to cut him a break, hence this blog being created.
My goal is to entertain you by sharing those stories.  Things that happen behind the “scenes”, as well as those love stories.  You may also find a few stories about my beloved coworkers.  I am not sure how all these “characters” arrived to work at this vineyard, but rest assured there is not a vineyard on the planet that can boast of having such colorful personalities!
I also have been moved to tears a few times with the romance that occurs in our romantic destination.  When the lights dim in our ballroom and the music starts, newly married couples hold each other tight as they dance their first dance.  There is a wide spectrum of songs played at this time, jazz, classics, pop, and my personal favorite, country.  Either way I find myself standing off to the side (usually by the bar) smiling from ear to ear, just taking it all in.  After working with the couple closely to plan the special day, I really get to know them.  To see them enjoying the day that has been planned is very rewarding. 
So, I will be contacting my past brides to see if it is ok if I can share their stories with the blogging world.  I will also try to blog about the different ways to personalize your wedding, what seems to be working well, things to avoid etc.  But in the meantime (while I am gathering stories and permission) I have received permission to blog about one interesting character I “work” with.  To say that this character works is a bit of an exaggeration!  I think most of you agree, because I have heard time and time again, “what a life it must be”, when referring to him.  So, without further ado, let me introduce you to: Norton
Yes, I am sure most of you are familiar with this “character” in my story.  Of course he acquired his name from the beautiful Norton Grape grown here on the property.  He has a very sweet personality and really does enjoy greeting our guests (yes, I’m sure the fact that you may have food is an added incentive to your greeting) none the less, he is a lovable dog.  We have management meetings every Thursday.  Everybody gathers around one long table and we discuss the week’s events and such.  Norton is always faithful to make an appearance.  He makes his rounds around the table, getting a pat of love from each of us.  Once he feels like he has contributed his part to the meeting, he crashes under the table in a deep slumber.

So, I will be gathering pictures, stories and permission and try to update the blog regularly.  If you are one of the Brides we have had this year and want to give me permission to use your story or pictures, please email me and let me know.  If you have a picture you would like me to use please send it as well.   My email address is rhonda@chaumett.com .

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